

To: All the students that decided to apply Doctoral Thesis Examination

Please input your information in the Thesis/Dissertation and Advisor Information System in Student Information System (https://stuinfosys.ntust.edu.tw/ThesisAdvisor/) and download the following files. Then, please find your advisor sign the document and come to our office for follow-up processing.

1. 博士學位論文考試申請書
2. 指導教授推薦書
3. 考試委員審定書
4. 學位考試委員名冊
5. 論文初稿及提要
6. 歷年成績單(可從行政大樓機器申請)
7. 其他有利於審查文件(可選):期刊、研討會等(請附上相關郵件往來與發表證明)
The document your need to prepare:
1. Doctoral Thesis Examination Application Form
2. Doctoral Dissertation Recommendation Form
3. List for Doctoral Degree Examination Committee Members
4. Qualification Form by Doctoral Degree Examination Committee
5. First draft and abstract of the paper (Can apply from the machine at Administration Building)
6. Academic Record over the years
7. Other document that helps (Optional) :  Journal, Conference (Please attached relevant email correspondence and proof of publication)

Attached below are examples of each files. These document can download from the Thesis/Dissertation and Advisor Information System in Student Information System. Please double check that you are prepared all these document and already sign by your advisor before coming our office. Thank you!
