According to Clause 2, Article 7 of the University's Graduate Degree Examination Regulations, from the 111th academic year onwards, graduate students must complete the "Thesis Originality Comparison Procedure" before their degree examination. On the day of the examination, they must submit the comparison report to their advisor and the examination committee for reference.
The originality comparison methods and standards for theses of students in this department are as follows:
Thesis Comparison System and Settings: Use the Turnitin comparison system recommended by the university library. Upload the thesis and set the filters to "exclude quoted material" and "exclude bibliography."
Similarity Index Calculation: If the system-generated "similarity index" includes the student's own published papers, the index from their own publications can be excluded from the calculation.
Originality Comparison Similarity Standard: The similarity index should generally not exceed 20%. If the index is "between 20% and 30%", the advisor's consent and signature are required for the oral defense to proceed. If the index is "above 30%", the oral defense will not be allowed, and the thesis must be reviewed and revised.
Declaration Form: After the declaration form is filled out and signed by the advisor and the department head, the original form, along with the student's degree examination score registration form and evaluation form, should be submitted to the Graduate Education Section of the Academic Affairs Office for record-keeping. The originality comparison report will be kept by the respective department.
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