Using Digital Technology to Enhance Science, Technological and Vocational Education
The graduate program is designed to provide students with the training necessary to conduct research on the use of digital technology to enhance science, technological and vocational education. The faculty members in this area have worked on a wide variety of topics, but their general emphasis has been on the more fundamental learning theories, philosophies, cognitive strategies, gender equities and social culture issues. Some specific topics of recent or current interest to the faculty in this area include scientific epistemological beliefs, online information commitments, online information reading and searching strategies, and eye-movement analyses of online inquiry-based scientific activities. All faculty members in this area are active in international academic societies, such as NARST, EARLI, ACMSIG and TELEARN etc., and are in services of important academic journals, such as Computers & Education and Science Education etc. Students will learn about the behavioural and psychological techniques best suited for studying the mechanisms of learning in science, engineering and vocational domains within technological-enhanced learning environments.